PEOPLE is a series of photographs meant to read as paintings, while glibly playing with focus, perspective and other aspects of the photography process to render a painterly feel. Using photographic techniques to optically render the possibility of photos as paintings is a tradition steeped in photo history. The Photo-Secession movement of the early 20th century spoke to the idea of taking photography beyond what a photo had become to be known as and to secede from photography as a whole.

Pictorialism represents this aesthetic as a genre.

Pictorialism is an approach to photography that emphasizes beauty of subject matter, tonality, and composition rather than the documentation of reality… Pictorialism represented both a photographic aesthetic and a set of principles about photography's role as art. Pictorialists believed that photography should be understood as a vehicle for personal expression on par with the other fine arts.”

Images are printed large-scale up to 7 feet on birchwood, diasec and watercolor rag paper with a thickly applied acrylic top coat.